03 January 2014

Five Dollar Shake

Ella and I ran some errands this morning and this afternoon, the list is long, with a lot of variety.  Ella was an excellent trooper and we met up with the rest of the gang for some time at the mall and lunch.  On a side note I did go by a real tailor shop so he could put the hem on some new slacks I purchased.  It was quite the experience, he had a little stage I stood on with 3 mirrors and I could hardly understand the fellow.  On the brighter side he said he could adjust some of the clothes that, well... are a little sung these days.  

While I was in college the epic movie that is not in chronological order came out... "Pulp Fiction."  A movie that included a great deal of interesting dialog, a quote from scripture that is not in my bible (yes I  looked in college), and the dive dollar shake.  Today I can proclaim that I had one of the best shakes ever made, even better than the five dollar shake.  It was the $6.95, shake that Cap and I split.  You will notice in the picture that the straw is huge, which always reminds me of Marian (grandmother on dad's side).  She used to say that the McDonalds straws were like pipelines, because they are so big.

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