12 June 2016

F7 Major

All great things in life take work, nothing is truly effortless. Just look at Moses, he comes across a burning bush, God speaks tells him what to do and his response... "Who me?"  Moses had spent the last 40 years in Madian, as a shepherd, what better preparation for leading people.  Yet, Moses falls back on one of my biggest restrains, "I do not have the talent / gifts / skills / speaking ability."  you can use any of the many words to describe the attributes that people think we need in order to follow God's call in life.  Yet, throughout the Bible, God has call many who though of themselves as ill-equipped.  As is the case with Moses, when we are called to do something the Lord will provide, for Moses he sent his brother-in-lawAaron to be the spokesman.

A second fallback that I have for resisting the call. is an attempt to be humble in all things.  This defense mechanism works like this:  You are sitting in Sunday School, a small group, or around a campfire and have something to say.  You hold back because you do not want to sounds like a "know it all / boastful / better than others / supreme".  Feel free to insert any adjective that might fit.  

However, God has called us to be bold, to take up the ministry with both hands, and to move forward following him.  Last week I went to Middle School Church Camp called Disciple Camp  While I am not in Middle School anymore, I had a great time and connected to the story.  We studied Moses' life, as a sojourner in foreign lands.There are times in my life, when I feel like I am wandering through the desert or the never ending forrest in search of something, the task that God has for me.  

This time I am responding my me feeling that I should learn to play the guitar with the mentally of Isaiah, who answered God with, "Send Me!  I will go."   Last night and tonight I have been asking, who came up the the chord F7 Major?  When I think of F7 I generally want to know, "what function will that do on my PC?"

I am making a effort to learn and play the guitar, so I may glorify the Lord with words and music of praise.  

01 January 2016

Off in the Distance - 2016

II stand on the rock of the past looking off in the distance.  On the horizon are hopes and dreams for this new year, experiences unknown to me, and challenges not though possible.  The rock is made solid by my past, experiences, successes, and failures.  On my feet are the shoes of progress, which will propel me off in the future, with the support of family and friends.