21 August 2006

Hebrew National, no butts around here

It was another Monday, in the movie Office Space, the little waiter accuses the star of the show of, “Having a Case of the Mondays,” I think I had them today. There were a couple of times today where it was just a killer sitting in front of the computer hammering out computer based training modules. “Brutal”

Tonight Brandon brought the Honda, his Honda, over and we worked on the air dam under the engine. It had a tango with some water and had come lose on one side, it is better now that we performed car surgery in the driveway while it was raining. All I needed to look like grade A hillbillies would be a toilet in the front yard, but it is probably in Kentucky by now.

Amy, Cap and I played with some of Cap’s new toys tonight, it was great. I have a hard time sitting and just playing with Cap, so tonight was special. We had this show on called, “How I met Your Mother,” which I don’t watch. (I don’t watch much TV in general). However, I had seen part of this show before several months ago, and amazingly enough it was the same episode. The same thing happened in college when Friends came on. All my friends watched it so I tried a couple of episodes, with a few months in between, and it was the same episode. I began to lament about this to Amy, and she started laughing, then Cap started laughing at her, and I started laughing at both of them. Poor Mazie would have laughed, but she is just a doggie.

The only thing that could top that would be a Jewish beef commercial, and what do you know but one came on. I could not believe what I heard, “We answer to a higher authority, and you can bank on no butts in your beef.” I thought it was a parody commercial, like they do on SNL but it is the real deal. The company is called, “Hebrew National,” and you have to click on the link. Perhaps, Mel Gibson is a stock holder?

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