In the movie “National Lampoons Vacation,” Clark and crew stop off at Dodge City, Kansas. He wonders into this bar and starts giving the bartender a hard time, which results in the bar tender shooting a shot gun loaded with blanks at Clark. I do not know what is was like 100 years ago in the days of Wyatt Earp, but it still has a rough edge to it. That could be because they are doing major road construction on the main street with lots of bumps and holes.
We also had the opportunity to travel through Meade, Kansas, was named in honor of General George Meade. Early in the Civil War, General Meade was the Commander of the Potomac Army. The one lasting fact that I recall about him is his fear of defeat lead him to be very slow and sluggish. Afraid to take any losses in battle was one factor that leads to his being relieved of that duty. Meade also fought in the Mexican war of 1846.
This is my first time to Kansas, and I must say, it is not as flat as I would have imagined it. There are rolling hills, and creek draws scattered about the country side.
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