30 July 2006

Sidewalk Chalk

While I did not post anything yesterday, I decided that I would post twice today to make up for my inattention to the blog. A blog is a lot like grass here in West Texas, if you do not water it, she be brown in less then a week. Since we all know that brown guacamole is not pleasant to view, I will write a little bit about my favorite part of today. In reflection the day was quite busy, and until supper time, I really did not have much of a break, however, after supper it was time for sidewalk chuck with Cap and Amy. I really enjoyed watching Cap work on his drawings, and then visit mine. He tried all of the colors, while the drawers were not as bold as Picasso on the wall, they were no less spectacular. Cap took away the boldness and replaced it with color. The great contrast between the cold (looks sterile anyway) gray concrete, and the vibrant color of Sidewalk chalk from the dollar tree.

Cap, like a vandal spray painting on a railroad car, he is chalking my drawings.

Of course Amy and I also colored on the sidewalk. There was a stint in college where I did a lot of crayons drawings. It was a very soothing way for me to relax at that time. I did a lot of things in college, but DRUGS was NOT one of them. No matter how hard you try to understand some of the things I did, like coloring with crayons, you can rest assured that DRUGS had nothing to do with it. Tonight when I was drawing n the sidewalk it reminded of those time, those wonderful times at WTAMU. It was the one year that I live with my best friend from high school, and I learned quite a few things about him. A time, when we had a house guest stay for 3 weeks in May, because he did not make his lease long enough of his apartment. On a cold snowy day in March, we had a snowball fight, in our apartment with 20 people (you try to explain that to the apartment manager.) At the end of the day, I would sit with the 64 color crayon box, 8 was not enough colors to be artistic, and I would draw houses, or streams or rivers. Below I present the drawings of J followed by Amy’s.

Amy's drawing, (she did a nice Bear, but I did not take a digital picture.

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