24 July 2006


Mondays are always interesting for me. Take today for instance; I went to work, Amarillo, back to work, home, my parents, and back home. I got to spend 2 hours waiting to visit with a doctor, weld on my porch project, and work in between it all. I am kind of tired now, Mazie and I just got back from a jog.

One of the Coffee shops that I went to in New Orleans was named, Tout de Suite. I found one of the receipts from the trip.

When we got back from the trip I told Amy that I would like to get a smaller bible that would be good for traveling with. My two stud bibles are both 1500 pages, and I saw one that was small and compact on the trip. I want the kind of bible that one could slip in the briefcase, or back pack. While I was explaining this I realized that I already had several bibles, eight to be exact.
Bible Who gave it to me
Small Red one Parents
My Dad’s First Bible My dad, but he got it from the FUMC Borger
King James Church, when I graduated (United Methodist Women).
Student Bible Annabelle Ingham (Graduation from High School).
NIV Study Bible Amy’s Grandparents for Christmas a few years ago
RSV Study Bible The Chrysalis Team when I was Lay Director
Gideon’s New Testament (x2) The Gideon’s of course!!

There are people in the world who really desire a bible to read and I have eight, which seems a bit wasteful because I can only read one at at time. The ones that get used the most often are the NIV Study, RSV Study, and the Student Bible (which is also NIV.) The other bibles are keepsakes, and it is not like I went out and purchased each of these for myself.

If you would like to view a 4 minute patriotic baseball video click on the link below. If you are in favor of flag burning you would not enjoy it.

Movie Clip

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