29 December 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve
Originally uploaded by Germburner
The Christmas Eve Family Photo. My don't we look nice.

21 December 2008

Revelation 22

It has been a while since I have written anything, that was not work related. In all actuality the last time was about a month ago, when I posted a blog. I have not really had much to say, that was not related to work. A sad fact indeed, as I find myself already slipping back into the old 11-12 hour days, waking up at 5:00 and getting to the office at 6:00.

Cap participated in Christmas Program, he was a "Star", and he did good. The program was great, and afterwards, Santa came to see the kids. This year Santa was Mr. Safety this year, he was wearing steel toe boots. I guess Rodolph stepped on his toes one to many times.

Last night I read Revelation 22 to Cap and Ella, so it took 4 years, 4 months and 4 days to read the bible to Cap. We started with Genesis 1 and read straight through the bible. I missed a few days here and there, but for the most part we read 1 chapter a night. Sometimes 1/2 and others (like the Psalms) we might have read 2 or 3. Reading the bible out loud brings a new depth, and dimension to the words of God.

I would like try to read it out loud again, and after reading keep a journal, of what the reading meant to me. We will have to see if that works.

23 November 2008

Christmas is Upon Us

Well, this Thursday is Turkey Day, or thanksgiving. I prefer to call it thanksgiving myself, because we have a lot to be thankful for. If you are reading this, then you should be thankful for the ability to read, and thankful that you had parents, and teachers who cared enough about you to ensure that you could read. I mean, I rarely use words that are more than three syllables, so it is not as detailed as reading a dissertation on the parallels between Luke and Acts. (That is an assumption on my part). My dad's birthday is tomorrow and he will be a year older, while I was thinking about this fact, it dawned on me, that a week and half after his birthday, I would also be turning a year older.

I am sure that you are expecting some rant about being another year older and that it is depressing, I assure you that it is not depressing. It is exhilarating to be having a birthday, sure I am not as agile as I was at 4, 14, or 24, and I will probably not ever "catch air" on the ski slopes, but I have gather lots of wisdom. A bit of wisdom that I have accrued, is that "catching air" might be fun, but like running into a burning building, if you are not a professional, don't do it. Keep this in mind, if you stop having birthday's that means only one of two things, either the rapture has occurred, or the other thing happened.

I love Christmas music, I mean, I really like Christmas music. Every year I will listen to Christmas music on the FM radio from the Friday after thanksgiving until after Christmas day. Last year we found that the XM radio has several Christmas stations. (I should note that they also have a Hanuka station, which has some strange sounding songs.) So we were driving back from Amarillo last weekend, and Amy announced that the XM radio already has their Christmas station up and running, at least one of them. Needless to say, I am not sure why she would inform me of this, but I have been listening to lots of Christmas music.

09 November 2008

Reflections on the Trip

Over the past few weeks I have spent a lot, or at least a fair amount of time in reflection about life in general. I am always amazed and humbled to know that so many people have spent so much time supporting my family though pray and actions, phone calls, cards, and watching the little children. I am most appreciative of everyone who has aided a hand during my recent hospitalization and procedures.

Of course there is my dad, who drove me once again to see the "Doctor In Houston." We were waiting for an elevator in the Doctor's Office and some random guy said that it had been a long day. My dad and I agreed, and he said, "I have been dealing with these cardiologist for the last 6 years." To which my dad said, "We have been dealing with these cardiologist for the last 33 years," while gesturing in my direction. I don't think the other fellow had much to say after that. I suppose that I will be dealing with the cardiologist for the remained of my life.

Then there is my mom, who kept Cap while Amy and Ella made a mad dash to see me before "Blast-off." She also made dad and I an excellent meal upon our return, and checked the oil wells while dad was off. I had to call her collect from the hospital room so she could get a hold of dad, when an anaesthesiologist showed up and stated confidently, "You are scheduled for surgery." To which my response was, my Doctor failed to mention an additional surgery, and I got a little unfriendly with the fellow.

Amy and Ella came down, and Amy seemed a bit upset when I was more concerned with her taking care of Ella, then checking on my. I had a hole host of individuals who were getting paid to stare at me. None the less she had been taking care of me, and making sure that I do not pickup anything above the 10 lb threshold. This afternoon (November 9th) we got my work back-pack out, and slimmed it down to slightly less than 10 pounds. It has 1 laptop, the charger, a small note book, and some pens. So we dumped out several folders, a large note book, countless chargers (phone, blackberry, iPod,) a 1" binder that I have carried in the back pack for the past year. My back-pack is now slimmed down to the bear minimum.

Sid and Selena, flew Amy and Ella down to the greater Houston area, and much to my surprise, Sid and Amy walked into the "Anti" room where they were getting me ready, you could call it the "Pre-prep Area". Not only did they get Amy and Ella to the Houston area, but they all stayed at Selena's sister's house with their family, all of whom played a roll in taking care of Ms. Ella, and took her trick-or-treating.

Bob and Mimi, who volunteered to house me and my dad, for what we though would be two nights, but turned into 8 or 9 nights. They were very gracious hosts, and I enjoyed visiting with them, most of the time we passed like ships in the night.

Last but not least is the army of people who were praying for me, the doctors and everything else, as you can tell your prayers were answered. I had an vast assortment of calls, and several unexpected visitors in the hospital.

06 November 2008


Sometimes, like all good writers, (personal opinion) I have writers block, where I am not really sure what to write. More often it is a case of, the only thing that I have to write about is work, and well I do not need to rehash that on the world wide web. I had some inspiration about what to write about while Amy was reading to the Kids...

When I was a child, my grandparents (which still is strange for me to say since I called them Marian and Father) had three dogs, Wolfie, little wolfie, and Piglet (she looked like a pig). As the story goes, when they got little wolfie, I showed up and my cousins (Bob and Allen, primarily Bob) said the Father had wash wolfie, and she shrank, at which point they presented little wolfie, who was considerably smaller than wolfie.

On a more political note, the Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, said that Obama was, "‘‘young, handsome and even tanned.’’

One article that gave me the Heebie Jeebie was:

Iranian leader welcomes Obama win

05 November 2008

What Did He Say

So last night I was at home sleeping in the bed and something woke me up. As I had left the TV on I could hear John McCain talking about something, and as I listened more closely I realized that he had evidently been defeated. So we will see how that turns out.

Dad and I made it back home yesterday afternoon, and had Patman family fun night at Honey's, which was the best food that I had eaten in a while. I am still sore, although it seems to be getting better. It was nice to see the kids, as I had not seen them in 9 days.

02 November 2008


You know, when the doctor says, oh it is a simple procedure, that is because they are not going through the procedure. Much like when the Auditor says, we are only doing this to help you out. I had a stint graph inserted into my aorta, two actually, to cover an area that appeared to have been leaking, and thus causing my problems. That was on Thursday. They went in on both of my leg veins, and my left arm to get it all done. Once I return to Big B I will have to scan in a photo of the drawing they did showing the location of all of these new devices. I am alive an kicking, although I feel like I have been in a major fight still. November is a good time to come down to Houston. Thanks for all the support and prayers!

22 October 2008

Tile Floor

Tile Floor
Originally uploaded by Germburner
Look at the tile floor. The guys showed up to install it, and said, "Oh, I think it will take 3-4 days." I asked if they worked on Satuday, so that we could find a place to stay, they said, "yes, and we will work Sunday as well." One week later, that would be 7 days later, they were finished with the tile, however, they had to come back and clean up thier mess on the wood work. It is nice now that it is in, but I will be using someone else if I ever have any additional flooring needs.

Nice Stove

Nice Stove
Originally uploaded by Germburner
Look at that stove/microwave, it is wonderful you set it for 350, and "Bam, it stays at 350 degrees".

Look at the Cabinets

Look at the Cabinets
Originally uploaded by Germburner
Another Picture of the Kitchen

Looking into the Dinning Room

Pictures of the new kitchen at the house. It was completed early in the spring, I just never got around to posting any pictures.

18 October 2008

Political Survey

Can you answer the following questions?

1. Who has control of the United States House of Representatives?

2. Who is the United States Secretary of State?

3. Who is the Prime Minister of England?

If you can answer all three correctly, then you are 82% more politically in tune then 82% of the United States according to a pole done by the Pew Research Center. The correct answers are below. Here is the link to the survey, "Americans Flunk Simple 3-Question Political Survey."

1. Who has control of the United States House of Representatives? -- Democrats

2. Who is the United States Secretary of State? -- Condoleezza Rice

3. Who is the Prime Minister of England? -- Gordon Brown

15 October 2008

The Surgeon, The Episode, and The ER

It rained all day yesterday, and it was cool, really cool outside. I went to see the good ole Thoracic Surgeon yesterday, expecting him to want to run this test, or that test to help eliminate or narrow down my current medical issue. I was knocked off kilter when he said, "You need to go see the original surgeon, who did your 3 heart surgeries." This was not what I expected to hear from him, and I think that Amy was a little surprised also. The surgeon thinks that my medical condition might be a result from my congenital heart disease, and subsequent surgeries. Evidently some people who have congenital heart disease sometimes will develop additional, or larger blood vessels around the large air passages. So I will be going back to the Texas Heart Institute, which is part of the St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital.

I will not be seeing or at least have an appointment with Dr. Cooley, however, I do have an appointment with one of the Surgeons who assisted with my last heart surgery in 1979.

On the way back to Borger, I had a coughing up blood episode, so we went back to Amarillo, spent the night in the hospital and had a scope run in my nose and into my lungs. (The Medical Term for this is Bronchoscopy. Overall it has been an exciting 24 hours.

All of this has set me off onto, for lack of better words, an emotional roller coaster. It is difficult to put in words some of the emotional feelings that I have had over the last 24 hours. It is particularly shocking when the person that calls to make the appointment says, "well the Doctor is in on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and if the you want to have any surgery that might be needed it is better to come early in the week." Thus reminding me that at this point there will be some sort of medical procedure performed on me again.

13 October 2008

LA Dodgers

This year's baseball race to the pennant has been interesting up to this point. Particularly in the National League. The Chicago Cubs, one of the lifelong underdogs, went into the play-offs with the best record in the National League, only to be beaten the LA Dodgers. The Dodgers spent a good portion of this year below the 0.500 win line, and have been working the Philly's over in the National League Championship Series. The Cubs have not won the World Series in over 100 years, and have not won the Pennant (NLCS) since 1945, the Dodgers on the other hand have not won the world series in 20 years.

This evening I spent 30 minutes completing Paper work for the Dr. Appointment tomorrow. It was a lot of fun. I ran out of room on the form for "Operations" so I printed off a sheet that has them all listed.

We also played with the Matchbox cars tonight after supper, and Ella assisted in putting them in the box. Cap go into trouble tonight and got sent to time out. Time out consist of sitting on the fireplace hearth. Ella, went over and tried to sit with him, but she is a little to short. I do not think he appreciated her sign of affection.

11 October 2008

Rainy Saturday

The past week was another busy week at work, I woke up this morning at 5:00 am with no alarm clock, which is another sign that I am getting old. Today we went to the mighty metropolis of Amarillo in hopes of going to a pumpkin patch. However, it rained all day long, we did manage to get some costumes for the kids. Cap wanted to be "Lighting McQueen" from the Disney movie Cars. Amazingly enough they make a costume for that. For Ella we found a cut Lady Bug outfit, which I liked. I though it was a tad bit better then being a princess, she can be a princess a little later in life. Perhaps she will grow up to be a famous entomologist, perhaps she will become the Isaac Newton of bugs.

On the grand adventure we met up with my sister "Aunt Natty", mom and crash. We went to Uncle Edd's house to see father, it was like a brief mini-family reunion. The boys (father, Edd, and Bear) were watching the coveted football game, The University versus ou, and UT was a victor of the game. The score was 45-35. They performed a lot better against their opponents than the Borger High Football team, who lost 51-30 to Levelland.

I am about to become part owner of a bank, and I am excited about the opportunity. That's right, part owner of a bank, me, you and the other 305,186,613 Americans, as Uncle Sam with the help of Uncle Henry (Henry Paulson) purchase ownership in the banks(Link to News Article). This is a step that has not been taken since the Great Depression. When I was a kid I remember seeing a shelf at my grandparents house that had noting but bars of soap on it. I bet there were 100 bars of soap on that shelf. I have always related that type of stock piling to their growing up during the great depression.

05 October 2008

Feeling Old

Today I ventured out in the rain (it actually rained here in the partched Texas Panhandle) to go to the grocery store. While I was there the girl who checked me out looked like she should be in the 6th grade along with the kid who pushed the basket out to the car. Yet, I am sure these two individuals were both at least 16, and I do not think I looked that small when I was 16. Then again I think I weighed 145 lbs when I was 16 so perphaps I did. Another startling revelation occured to me on the way home, I have had an e-mail account for around 12 years. That is amazing, 12 years of e-mail, I bet the kids at the store do not have many memories that are 12 years old. So know you know why I am feeling old today.

The Sheets are Done! Yippe, I can help make the bed and then crawl into bed!!!

Okay, the bed is now made, however, I was not done with this so I shall finish.

I was reading the USA Today today at my parents and they had a little article on the $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout Bill, particularly about some of the incentives that were included in the second attempt at the bill. I wanted to list two below for your consideration, (and yes this is what the politicians in DC came up with.)
  1. Film and television productions. Allows more film and television show production companies to use the domestic production deduction. Estimated cost: $387 million over 10 years.
  2. Children's wooden practice arrows. Exempts wooden practice arrows from excise tax, currently 39 cents. Estimated cost: $2 million over 10 years.
  3. Motorsposts Complexes. Extends seven year cost-recovery period to the end of 2009 for land improvement and support facilities place in service after Dec. 31, 2007. Estimated cost $100 million over 10 years.

I did sent a little letter to Mac Thornberry asking why he voted for a bill that included the above items.

I went to see the pulmonologist last Friday, and he told me that based on the tests (he ran all the tests that he could run) that he ran, he is not sure why I am having problems, and referred my to another specialist. The next specialist has a scary title: Thoracic Surgeon, say that a few times and see if it does not make you shiver a little. I will go see him 10-14-08 @ 10:00 AM, perhaps he can explain my phenomenon.

Have a great evening below is the text to Philippians 4:4-7.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

01 October 2008


Last week when I was on vacation, I took a true vacation. I did not check my work e-mail for the entire time, I left on a Friday afternoon and did not log in again until the monday morning after I returned, a grand total of 9 days. When I logged on the computer Monday morning, I had a total of 193 e-mails waiting for me. That is around 21 per day over the eight day strech, of course if you take out the 4 days that were week end, the average is 39 e-mails. Sure there were some that were junk, and some that was mass distributed e-mails. The sad part is that when I am in town, I normally get more e-mails than that. One thing that I did not have to worry about was phone messages on the office phone. They were nice enough to delete any that I might have had over the weekend, when new software was installed on the phone system. (Oh, boy) so if the president happened to call, yeah I did not get that one.

Work has been a tumultuous affair since I have returned, none of that slowly ease into the week stuff for me, it is more like a sprinter coming out of the starting blocks on Monday Morning, the only difference is that I do not get to stop after 100 yards.

Ella had a VCU test done yesterday, which is used to determine if she has any reflux between her bladder and kidney's (Cap had reflux which we corrected.) The test itself went well, however, the results showed that she has grade 2 reflux. Which is a step above mild, so we will get to do some preventive antibiotics every day, and have the test run again in a year to see what things are like.

Once again, the NY Mets fizzled out in the waining week of the big show and did not make it to the play offs. However, Joe Torre did make it, although not with the Yankees who fired him last year, he is now with the Dodgers, and the Yankees, well they did not make the cut this year.

28 September 2008

Vacation 2008

First things first, I will get a few items out and in the open. I am still kicking, and the family is doing well. I have had a few request, well one of them was a bit more than a request, for me to start blogging again, so here we go. It would take a few thousand words to cover what has been going on, so we will just start with last week's vacation.

We traveled to the Metropolis of Wilmore Kentucky, to visit Ryan and Amberly, Morgan, and Athan last week (actually we flew back in to the Panhandle today). The trip was great, we stayed at a little place across the street from their house, so we were close and spent some time hanging out. We did go to church last Sunday in Wilmore, and I had the chance to play golf on some Kentucky bluegrass, which was nice. However, unlike golf here in the Texas Panhandle, when you hit it into the rough you need a GPS Tracking device to find the ball. The golf course also had a lot of sand, and my shots seemed to have an affinity for the course grainy stuff.

I did get the crash course seminary experience on Monday and Tuesday. I say Monday, because I hung out in a coffee shop and library reading a book, which is what Ryan was doing. However, I will point out that my book was not nearly as deep in though or wide in the number of pages. Tuesday I did attend one class, and Amy and I went to chapel.

We also went to Nashville, and I did not see any country and western stars. However, we did get to stand on stage at the Grand Ole Opry (not a bid deal if you are a heavy metal fan, but if you like country it is a neat place.) We also went to the Zoo and it is a nice Zoo that we though were well laid out. In general Nashville is a neat little city, however, (the following information is based off of my esteemed tour guide experience) it is not the best place to take the little fellows (i.e. 1 and 4 year old).

This was the first trip in about 3 years that I did not take my laptop computer, and so I did no work whatsoever during the trip. I had a few more things to write, but I have forgotten them. Below is a link to the flickr site that has some of the pictures from the trip.


05 July 2008

July 4, 2008

7-4-08 Family Picture
Originally uploaded by Germburner
Yesterday was the forth of July. In the other 178 or so countries in the world it was just another day, but in America, it was the day to celebrate independence. I find it interesting that only 2 of the signers of the Declaration of Independence went on to become president. It is additionally peculiar that these two men went on to become political adversaries. The story does not end their, both Jefferson and Adams died with in hours of each other on July 4, 1826, and before his death it is reported that Adams said, "Thomas Jefferson survives."

We decided to attend the Amarillo Dillias baseball game, why not watch "Americas' Game" on her birthday. They also had a fireworks show after the game which was nice, not quite like Boston or New York. The show did send up a variety of fire works that went exploding in the space above us. The fireworks show far out did the home team who lost 17-3, with some of their best defensive plays coming in the 8th and 9th inning when their chances for victory were already bleak. I would also like to note, that this is one of the only two days when our little family wears the same, or matching clothing. (The other being Christmas morning P.J.s.)

28 June 2008


As you can see, I really could not think of a good title for the blog, so I used the "Hmmmm". This reminds me of one of my neighbors up the street. I he a very talkative person. If there is ever a laps, pause, or brief silence in the conversation, he fills the void with one of the following, "un-HU", "yeap," or "mmmhu." (We are using Ebonics, because I am not really sure how to spell any of those.) Which naturally brings me to the discussion of the, "awkward Silence" in conversation. Silence in a conversation, is only awkward when you are not well awkward with the individual you are conversing. There is only one big exception, and that is when they drop some bombshell of information, that never in your life you would have expected them to say, admit to, or have actually done. Mean while in your mind you are searching desperately for the cliche which will get you past this moment of awkward.

It was an eventful week this week, the headlines would read something like this:

The dynamic duo attend pre-school

The 24 hour stomach bug hits

Honey goes to the shop for repairs

I will refrain from putting the highlights from my week at work in the blog, needless to say, there were some colorful moments.

Today Cap and I went and assisted setting up tables with the rest of SPRC for the "Weclome new Pastor" hamburger cookout. Tommorow, I get to help cook hamburgers, which is always a time for "Male Bonding" at the church.

23 June 2008

Swinging Ella

6-14-08 030
Originally uploaded by Germburner
Here is Ella playing in a swing at the park, I think that she is having a good time, how about you.

Cap the Soccer Star

6-14-08 197
Originally uploaded by Germburner
Here is Cap playing soccer. He still thinks it is better to throw it, rather than kick it.

22 June 2008

Ella and Cap

Ella and Cap
Originally uploaded by Germburner
Here is a picture of Cap and Ella. Amy's is actually holding on to Ella's arms.

Mr W's Birthday

Mr W's Birthday
Originally uploaded by Germburner
Here is a picture with the boy's at Mr. W's Birthday Party.


Last weekend we went to OKC (which is short for Oklahoma City) to celebrate Whaetly's birthday. The trip was a lot of fun. We took the pickup which was good, until we hit a monsoon about 10 miles from the hotel. I had to get out and put a tarp over the luggage. I agree with the boyscouts, in that you should always be prepared. Cap thought the rain and Storm were just one more big adventure. We went to White Water and had a good time, I did several laps around the lazy river (walking, not floating), and played in the kids pool with the kids. Actually, it was more like herding cats. Saturday night we had the birthday party, complete with cup cakes that turned your teeth green. On Sunday, we went to the big furniture store, the mall with the Apple store, and Kid's Pottery Barn. I am not sure why they call it pottery barn, I did not see a single pot in the joint. I played with an apple computer at the apple store, I really was not to impressed. Perhaps that is because I have had 13 years of Windows pumped in from Microsoft.

This weekend, we stayed in the area. Yesterday, I took a desk to the salvation army, and one to the transfer station. It gets transferred to the municipal dump in Pampa. Then I worked on the Mustang. Last night we took the kids to the park. Cap played in the water park, and Ella and I made a few laps.

Today we went to church and had our first experience with the new pastor. He seems nice, he can sing so he lead the hymns.

11 June 2008

105 F

Today the high temperature in Borger reached 105 degrees Fahrenheit. That is pretty hot for the second week in June. I swear that I can watch my grass turning brown in the heat of the day. I did not realize how hot it was today, until I left the office at 5:30 pm, it was about 30 degrees warmer than it had been at 6:20 am when I walked in. In the event that you did not know, the Fahrenheit temperature scale was developed by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686–1736). I for one think it is interesting that America is one of the few countries that us the Fahrenheit scale, which was actually invented by a German Scientist.

I did get the new computer desk set-up and the computer put into the desk. It is nice, and the draws are not falling off like the old desk. So, in the next few days the old desk will take a drive over to the "Transfer Station". That is the city's way of saying, the "central trash depot" or perhaps, the "trash truck central". What they do is bring in all of the trash trucks, dump them in a building, and load all the garbage into semi trailers which are hauled to a city 30 miles away for disposal. This was less expensive then operating our own sanitary land fill. Again, another oxymoron, how exactly is a landfill sanitary, when you dump thousand of tons of trash in it daily?

08 June 2008

Changing of The Gaurd Tommorow, our new computer desk will arrive. I have to say, that I am excited about this prospect for the following reasons.

Tomorrow, our new computer desk will arrive. I have to say, that I am excited about this prospect for the following reasons.

1. The computer is currently on the bar.
2. We do not have any bar stools.
3. I have to sit 1- feet away from the monitor to comfortable type the blog.

So tomorrow evening, I will be moving the computer to the new desk, yippee.

This is the week in June when many Methodist Pastors move to a new church. Because the Methodist church is a correctional church, the pastors are assigned by the bishop and his cabinet, and this is the week when most will be moving. Don, our current pastor is moving to Abilene to take on the role of District Superintendent, where he will be more of a pastor to the pastors. Don and his family served our church for 5 wonderful years, and they will be missed.

Our new pastor is coming from Childress, and I have heard many positive things about him. One thing that I always find interesting is the question, "What do you think of the new pastor". When I was in high school I asked one of the older members this question (several actually and got more or less the same response)- You know I have seen 13 pastors come and go, and when this one leaves, I will still be there. At the time I was taken back by this comment, but it does have some stark reality in it. I believe that the pastors are at church to aide, guide or otherwise facilitate the members in ministry to the community. I think most churches are good at doing ministry to the other church members, however, where we sometimes fail is in engaging the community. I will say up front, that I to fail in this aspect.

All theories beside, Don and his family, exemplified their love of Christ in the way they served our Church. If I had it my way, they would not be leaving. However, it is also note worthy to say, when I have things "my way" and do not listen to God, the ole train usually derails. If you cannot think of anything to pray for this week, pray for your pastor, and all the pastors that are in the great Methodist shuffle.

07 June 2008

Annual Confrence

Last week I attended the United Methodist, North West Texas and New Mexico Annual conference in Glorieta, NM. It was a good conference, and it was the first time in over 30 years that the two conferences convened together. I should point out that both conferences have shared a bishop since 1968. The business of the conference was completed. Through out the week there were several worship services which were very spirit filled and powerful. The conference Preacher was Rev. Tyrone Gordon, who reminded us that everyone is on the list for communion, and that as fishers of men we should use a net to bring in all fish, instead of a rod and real, with "special bait" to bring in one select type of person. I listened to the reports of the delegates that went to the General Conference in Ft. Worth last month. (I the event you do not know, every 4 years the United Methodist Church has a General Conference, where delegates from each annual conference across the world come together to do the business of the church and to worship together.)

On a more personnel note I was able to visit with many off the former pastors that had been to my church, and some other pastors who I am friends with. I did get to visit with Ryan, and had lunch with he and Don one day. The Cooke's took me to Santa Fe for dinner one evening which was good. While the business of the church is an important aspect of annual conference, it was far overshadowed for me by the worship and fellowship.

01 June 2008

Dumpster Fire

I had a little bit of excitement today, which did involve the fire department and 911. I was out back mowing and smelled, and then saw smoke. I went to see what it was, as it was in the alley and found a dumpster on fire. It was a few houses down, but I called 911 anyway. I mean, why not let the professional fire eaters deal with the situation. While I was talking to the operator I walked up the street to verify the address. When I returned on of the girls that lived in the house the dumpster was behind was spraying water in the dumpster. Her mom came out and I said that I had called the fire department, and she seem put off by this, turned and walked back in the house. It even took the firemen 15 minutes to get it out, so I don't think the garden house would have done much good. As it turns out the mom's boyfriend had put coals from an outdoor fire pit into the dumpster that were not completely, how do you say it, extinguished. I would hope that if anyone saw the dumpster behind my house on fire, they would not hesitate to call 911. So in the event that you see it, go ahead and call.

That was the most exciting thing that happened all day. I did try it and I can swing the golf club while talking on the bluetooth ear piece. Just thought that you should know.

31 May 2008

The Sabbatical

I am calling it a sabbatical, because that is a $5 word, and you would not be reading this if you did not want to come across one of those every so often. The word actually means, any extended period of leave from one's customary work, esp. for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc. I have not written anything in about 6 months (give or take a few days). I suppose that the sabbatical was on set or as a result of long days and early mornings at work. Additionally, going from 2 on one to a man defense with the kids has been a change. Right now I am sitting at the dinning room table, typing on a keyboard that is about 7 feet from the computer. Wireless technology is great. We got the tile re done in the old kitchen, and I decided that it was time to get a new computer desk. So we have on e on order.

Today, I attended the funeral of my mom's sister, my aunt. While it was a nice service, and good to see everyone, families should make it a point not to need name tags at funerals by getting together more than once every 10 years.

I have pondered as to why I quit writing, and for the life of me, I have not figured really why. I do know that it is a stress relieving activity, so I will pick it up again, along with golf. Can you say FOUR! Do you ever wonder if the greens keepers in the world, are like Bill Murry in Caddyshack?

06 January 2008

Cap and his Gingerbread House

Cap and his Gingerbread House
Originally uploaded by Germburner

Boys Weekend

Amy went to Albuquerque over the weekend, leaving Cap and I at home. Cap spent Thursday and Friday at Honey and Bear's. We also had breakfast on Saturday, Supper on Saturday, and lunch on Sunday at Honey's house. (I would have fed him myself, but who would pass up Honey's cooking?) We had a good time and survived the weekend with out Momma, although there were a lot of questions about where she was. I am happy to report that she and Ella have returned home safely, and in good spirits.

Last week I finally returned to my real job, it was a bit of a shock to the system. I am working on mentally preparing myself for tomorrow, and the return of the fast pace. I do not have any issues with the fast pace, I just had a few to many days of a pace that was more like a stroll or even a saunter, instead of a sprint slowing down to a marathon.

FedEx tried to deliver my new flash on Thursday and they left one of those tags because it has to be signed for. So I called them and it took 15 minutes for me to explain to the customer "help" desk that it was futile to deliver the package on Friday and most likely on Saturday as well. I was ready to pull my hair out.

I have been thinking about Christmas, and I have the following question. Why do we have a celebratory candlelight church service the evening before Christ was born? Have you ever thought about that? Don't get me wrong, I love the Christmas Eve service, with the Christmas carols, the candles, and communion, but have you ever wondered that?