08 October 2006


After listening to several commentaries about ex Rep. Foley I wanted to look at both the RNC and DNC websites. I also wanted to send the RNC a note asking that I receive no more junk mail from them asking for money. It is plain to me that they have plenty of corporate sponsors and really do not need any money from me. Beside, a party that cannot keep itself clean, is probably sneaking into the cookie jar to!

People are interesting, epically their reactions to things that change. I shaved my mustache off last night. It was time, and I was tired of maintaining it. Today, the one person that had the most outwardly response was Austin at praise band practice. It was as if he had discovered gravity. He, to my knowledge, has never seen me with out the mustache.

I am glad that if finished the porch, because it has been raining off and on all afternoon and evening.

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