16 May 2006

Sometimes it is difficult to determine a good title.

Like I said in the title line, it is hard to come up with good titles on certain days. This was in fact one of those days. Went to work, worked hard, came home at, and colored with crayons read to Cap, worked on the yard. That is it, so for a title I could say Work, Ate, Read, and Sleep, but that is not an attention getting subject line. How many people would read a book titled, The Boring Book, or an e-mail with the subject line, “This is the worst and most pointless e-mail that you will ever read”? How many people would actually read that one? Would you, I do not think so. On the subject of boring, I sat in on what was the most boring conference call today at work. It was brutally dull for me, because I had no input and was just there kind of as the mandatory safety dude.

The company that makes Crayons, Binney & Smith, is actually owned by Hallmark (http://www.binney-smith.com/page.cfm?id=21)

Amy and I played dominos tonight, I bet her 165 to 75, we were playing to 100. She drew most of the dominos and I went out.

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