15 May 2006


I have elected to get a new Cell Phone. This decision was propelled by the fact that Amy killed her phone, making 2, the total number of phones she has killed or lost in the last 1 year and 3 months. While I have killed zero phones in the same time frame. However, I lost a phone a couple of years ago, and we found it one day about 6 moths later in the side pocket of the car door. I was really looking for a Bluetooth phone, so I can talk on it while I do things around the house. The one thing that I do not like about talking on the phone is that it leaves you with only one hand to use. I like to talk and do things at the same time. It helps me stay focused on the conversation, otherwise I will drift off into another world, while I think about what to write in the blog… Below is a link to the Motorola phone page, incase you are interested.

Link to Phone

Mazie and I went for a walk tonight, and saw my mom; she stopped and visited with us. Mazie was excited to see her, and so was I. While we were on the walk I listened to a NPR Program about some really large dogs in Turkey (the county, not the home of Bob Wills.) They weight about 140 pounds and their head is about rib cage height when they are on all 4 legs.

Work was pretty frustrating today. I did get to see a good friend that transferred to another office, and heard that another good friend got promoted. That made the day better. Perhaps I just had, “A Case of the Mondays…” like Peter on Office Space. It is a good flick, I think I might watch it before I hit the bed.

1 comment:

Safety Pup said...

Milton, I going to have to ask you to ummm, go ahaead and move down to the basement, we have a spot down there with some of the ummm, storgae..