24 May 2006

Ferris Bueller... Anyone.... Anyone

Normally I leave work out of the blog, other than the mention of what time I get there and what time I leave (today that would have been Arrived 6:35 am, left 5:25 pm). However, this is a classic story that I think someone can relate to other than myself. I had to do some new hire safety training, and I like to ask the folks I am training questions. A little interaction goes a long way. In the class were several summer interns and 2 full time new hires. I felt like Ben Stein in the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, I would ask a question and think, “Anyone, Anyone, Anyone.” In the movie he asks the class about “Voodoo Economics, can anyone tell me who termed that phrase, anyone, anyone, anyone.” I can relate to how he felt. Speaking of that movie, when I was in college that is what we did every year on my birthday at the dorm. We would go down to Darren’s room, pop the movie in, and sit and watch it, or make an effort to watch it.

Wow, that is all that I have in my head to write about, I had more but I forgor, and it is late, coupled with the fact that I am TIRED…

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