In the event that this is the only place you get news, Saddam Hussein was convicted of murder and sentenced to be executed, for more click HERE!
Saturday night, I sang Amy my version of “White Christmas” in the ensuing discussion she said that Perry Como sang the song. I said that it was originally sung by Danny Kaye in the movie White Christmas. She did not believe me, or that a Danny Kaye even existed.
Today we had church because it was Sunday, we took the sacraments, or communion as it is more commonly know. I attended the Church’s Charge Conference, which is a annual meeting where reports are reviewed and approved. I have a friend that is attending Asbury Theological Seminary and he told me about their chapel services that are put out as Podcast. There were several that he particularly recommended, so I listened to a couple of them. The first one was excellent, and the second one felt more like sitting though a lecture. It was an awesome lecture, or study if you will, and I learned a great deal. If that is the amount of learning they do during chapel, I cannot imagine the amount that is done in the classrooms.
Question: Why does it seem so easy to connect with God and others while away from home on a Mission Trip, Ski Trip, Church Camp, ect…?
I have struggled with connecting with God at the same level I do when I am on a trip like those listed above when I return home. Many years ago I went on a mission trip to Oklahoma, and about 1 hour before we got home the discussion in the van just died off. I have always attributed that to people thinking about what they needed to do when they got home. Why do we stay so busy on the day to day stuff? Is it that these things are much more simply to complete and we can see the progress we have made? Why do I feel like I must conquer the world in one day, and spend that day just trying to get my foot out the door?
good questions, sir. I understand the "conquer the world bit" i'm not good at "manageable expectations" for given days. which chapels did you listen to by the way?
Oh the one by the guy whose mom is methodist and dad is Iraqie, and one about just war theroy...
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