29 November 2006

Blowing Snow

Last night I forgot to talk about feeling like Charlie Brown. There is a part in his Christmas movie where Charlie has picked a tree out, and Lucy says, “Charlie Brown, you can’t do anything right.” He then takes it home to decorate it, and when he puts the ornament and the tree it falls over. Sometimes I feel a lot like Charlie Brown, in that noting goes as planned.

Had a meeting at the church, and choir practice. We were working on singing a song that has a lot of ups and then downs. It has several places that I cannot get the correct notes. I have not spent much time at home today, which is a bummer. I only saw Cap durning lunch, and he was busy eating, and then playing. Outsie it is cold and snowy.

Below is a picture of the snowy conditions.

The crack down on sports drug abuse continues, and it is not pretty.
DOHA (Reuters) - Chess's world governing body will introduce dope testing at the
Asian Games this week, although the sport's top official in Doha said he had no
idea how drugs could enhance chess performance.
"I would not know which drug
could possibly help a chess player to improve his game," competition manager
Yousuf Ahmad Ali said.
"But, yes, there will be official monitors who may
demand that players undergo a drugs test after the rounds."
Drug testing is
the latest move by the World Chess Federation (FIDE) to raise international
standards in the hope of making chess an Olympic sport in the future.
with triathlon, chess is making its debut at the Asian Games, where more than 60
players will compete for the medals.
Among them are ex-world champions Rustam
Kasimdzhanov of Uzbekistan and Zhu Chen, a former Chinese international who has
switched nationality to represent hosts Qatar.
The Asian Games take place
from December1-15.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should send some of that groovy snow east!