06 January 2012


The molecular weight of Hydrogen (H) is 1.0079. I learned that information while I was in organic chemistry class several years ago. By the end of the year I knew, and still no the molecular weight (mw) of several other elements.

Armed with that information, I set off after college to change the world. Unfortunately, the molecular weight of hydrogen has not yet helped me change the world, strike up an interesting conversation, or even show my intelligence during a competitive game of trivial pursuit.

The majority of the information I use to change the world I live in I have learned after college. I did learn many skills in college that help me each day as I read, review, interpret and explain the written word of our governmental agencies.

While I do not use all the information I learned in college, I have been blessed by its teachings. I grew up in a household where the question was not, "Are you going to college?" Rather the questions were, "Which college are you attending, and what are you going to study?"

For that I have my parents, and grandparents to thank, for that expectation.

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