26 April 2006

Administrative Proffessional

Have you ever wondered where some job titles come from? When I was in college I worked for a small independent (Family Owned) oil company and I gave myself the title of "Director of North American Operations". Which was true, because I was the man, I paid the bills, completed the reports and dug the ditches. In the american work force, and the realm of political correctness we live in, instead of Secretay, they are now the Administrative Proffesional. The title along implies being very good at the task at hand. I know several that are excellent to work with, and I have worked with others that were not so professional.

Words and titles are interesting, especially for men. I think that is because we are so keen to judge people by what they do. As if your occupation will enlighten us about who the person really is. I have met plenty of lawyers that were nice people, several doctors that were very unfriendly, and an entire army of people that were great no matter where they worked or what they did.

It appears as though the congress people who are reacting to the current high energy prices. I would challege each one of them about what they have done durning the last ten years to assist in elivating this current issue. I am afraid that congress will over react while they are playing party politics and make the situation worse. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/27/business/27oil.html?pagewanted=1&ei=5089&en=c94218bf2daf66af&ex=1303790400&partner=rssyahoo&emc=rss

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