In case you missed it, today is Pi day. A day for all of my math and science loving friends. Pi is a mathematical constant which represents the ration between the circumference of a circle and it's width, or diameter. Pi is equal to 3.141596... While computers have defined the constant out to a trillion places, I stop at just 6. That gives me the precision that I need for my calculations. Upon hearing that it was Pi day, I inmedentatly thought of Marian (my grandmother) who was a mathematics and geometry teacher. This was back in the day of overhead projectors. Not only did she use an overhead projector, but she used sharpies to write on the glass and acetone to clean the glass off. Then again, the teachers were allowed to smoke in the teachers lounge, and we drove vehicles with leaded gasoline.
This should not surprise anyone, even though u was a bit shocked when I found it on the World Wide Web, there is an orginization that promotes Pi day. The hyperlink is below if you want to learn more about the celebration of the ration between the circumference and the diameter of a circle.
Here are a couple of circles that I have with me most of the time. This was taken during the heat of battle as I charged up a hill for my cause, inside of a conference room...
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