08 July 2007

More Books

This afternoon I set out to sort books into three categories. The first categories is books to keep out in the one bookshelf that we will be using. (We are preparing for the arrival of #2, do not know the gender, have not selected names... although I am leaning for Ebenezer). This category will have books that we reference on a normal basis or that we read at least once a year. The Left Behind series gets to hand out also because it is the complete set, and you never know when someone wants to read about the end of the world. The second category is books to put in a box. This contains a lot of text books that we have accumulated, I do not for see a need to keep The Sociology of Religion or Hitler out on the bookshelves at this point. It would be different if we were researching either of these subjects, but we are not. The third and final category as Amy likes to call it is, "do whatever you want to with that book," I say it is more of a, "we have not used this book in two years, nor do I foresee either of use using the book." The is the occasionally, "where did this come from book," also in pile #3.

Tomorrow I will be attaching a shelf full on nick-knacks, which in the language of men means, "Some small fragile decorative piece with no manlyness to it, which I have to pack an move each time so that it can sit on a shelf and stare at me."

Below is a picture during the book sorting...

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