01 February 2014

Super Bowl Sunday

Tommorows game between the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks means that baseball season is only a few months away.  Baseball, the game of Ty Cobb, Reggie Jackson, Nolan Ryan, and Mickey Mantle to name a few.  A game that resembles life more than any sport.  For example, it is a team sport, where players can make spectacular plays with out anyone else helping.  That is not the case with football, the quarterback can make a spectacular throw, however he is dependent on the office line to hold the defensive line and the receiver to catch the pass.  Also, there is no clock in baseball, no arbitrary timelimit on the game.  In refgular season, if the game is tied, it goes until someone is victorious.

There are several MLB teams that I like and root for.

Astros - Yes, the colorful team that played in the eighth wonder of the world. They were the first team I saw play, and I have seen them in person more than any other team.

Chicago Cubs - Thanks to WGN out of Chicago, and the fact that Wrigley Field did not have lights until my high school years I saw more of their games on TV.

New York Mets - I cannot recall why I started rooting for the Mets, no matter how long I think about it, it is blank.

Atlanta Braves - Much like the Cubs, their  TV benefactor TBS showed many games that I watched.

Colorado Rockies - When this expansion team started, I decided that I would make them my team... It did not last.

Boston Red Sox - By far the team that I root for and follow throughout the season.  A few years ago we were in New England during playoff time, and I was impressed and amazed at the furvor that their fan base has.

What I would consider to be a good year for a few of these teams:

Astros - will 100 games
Red Sox - World Series Championship.
Braves - eliminated by the Cubs in the play offs.
Cubs - lose to the Red Sox in the World Series.

So as you can clearly see, I am a bit conflicted when it comes to baseball teams.

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