03 February 2014

French Press

Sometimes in life we are looking for something and find it in the most unexpected places.  (Great start for a romantic post, I should warn views that the story takes an unexpected turn).  So there I am at the Jumbo Foods in Enid, and there it is on aisle 14.  Right on the end, with an sweet aroma wafting through the air.  Alas, I found whole coffee beans, brown paper bags, and the in store grinder.  I was shocked, surprised, and elated, only to have my dreams crushed if only for a moment while I figured out how to work the grinder.  

This discovery on Saturday allowed me to utilize my new French Press to make coffee.  It was a different experience, an the kids had a lot of questions, as they watched while eating.  So not only did I get to use it, I got to explain what I was doing to a captive audience.  The coffee had a much deeper flavor, more intricate taste, the word bold does not describe it.  It was kind of messy, probably a rookie mistake somewhere.  Also, the process had a relaxing feeling as I watched the hot clear water pull the flavors and colors out of the coffee, thus becoming medium brown and flavorful.  

Please do not think I am becoming a coffee snob, my favorite brand of regular coffee is still Folgers, while my favorite coffee shop is still Roasters in Amarillo.



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