04 August 2010

2920 Days

Today is Amy's cousins' wedding anniversary. They were married 8 years ago today. It is currently the only anniversary of amy's 10 cousins' anniversary that I know. In all likely hood it will be the only one, I will be able to tell you off the top of my head. In the event you are wondering why I can remember this, I will tell you. It is very simple, they were married the day after we were.

So eight years, 2920 days, 2 kids, 1 dog, 2 house, 3 kitchens later we celebrated our anniversary yesterday. It was fun, went out to eat without the kids (they were under direction of a babysitter) then we hit the Target. While dinner was romantic, the trip to Target was functional, I guess that is what happens after 2920 days.

Love, the Beatles sing about, Shakespeare writes about it, poets rhyme passages of words about it, and Hollywood (we Hollywood shows it, misrepresents it, makes fun or it) but we, we get to live it.

1 comment:

R.S. said...

yay for getting to live it, as you say very well Dr. J.

congrats to you guys!