26 August 2010

Scenes From My Day 8-26-10

Today I went into a CVS pharmacy in Lafayette, Louisiana. Behind the cash register they had 3 sections of merchandise in this order. First there was the Patron, and other hard liquor. Next to the adult beverages was the and I quote the sign "Quit Smoking Zone". An area with a variety of aids to help stop the smoking. Next to that section was the cigarettes, there was not space whatsoever between them. I would think that if they were interested in helping people kick the habit, they would not be selling the cigarettes.

The other item I notice is that you can purchase a Whataburger gift card now. It makes the perfect card to give to that co-worker that you just cannot tolerate. Buy one today, and save it for the dreadful white elephant gift christmas party this year. That's right, a Whataburger gift card.

If this is not enough there was a teenage girl that came into the whataburger wearing ballet slippers, lime green pants, a yellow shirt, and a knitted winter hat that looked like a puppy dog. I should point out that it is 93 F outside and sunny. If it was 32 cloudy with snow I could understand the hat. No matter what the temperature the lime green pants just don't work.

23 August 2010

Ozark Big Ear Bat

Today was Cap's first day of kindergarten. It was an exciting day, and cap wore a shirt that was educational. It had the picture and name of the Ozark Big Ear Bat. Of course he was also sporting a backpack with "Cap" stitched in the back. I find it hard to believe that he is in kindergarten.

Homemade Pizza

8-22-10 Photos 004
Originally uploaded by Germburner
Yesterday I attempted something that I had never done, and only read about. I made Pizza from scratch, that's right. I planted a little wheat, ground up the flout, well maybe not that much from scratch. I started with Salt, Yeast, and flour, and the breadmachine. It worked out okay for my first attempt. While I was cooking I did a little reading and learned a few things that might help. Of course, this means investing in more Cooking equipment. Do you think the neighbors will mind a brick oven in the back yard?

21 August 2010

Lumber Yard Shopping List

* Assorted Zipties
* Hanger for Ella's hide-a-way
* New trash can, Old one is trashed, or thrashed might be a better description.

17 August 2010

August 17

Captains Log: Star date... Oh wait, I am not a captain, just another human being. I have had a touch of writers block, I tried to write last night but lost interest when I fell asleep. Mr. C is now 6, and as birthdays go he had a good one. We traversed the city to go to Galveston, and played on the beach. The kids had fun, along with Stuart, Honey & Bear. The Jellyfish were out, although I did not see any there were some possible bite victims. I did find a couple of Hermit crabs, who up until I pulled them out of the water, were living the good life. Then all of a sudden, they get jerked out of water and it is a shock to their system. It was really hot there yesterday, and on the drive home we were hammered by a rainstorm.

While I am not Captain Krik (and let me tell you that is a good thing. I was watching espn classic a while back and he was on some celebrity bowling show. It was quite funny), sometimes I feel like I am going where no one has been before.

11 August 2010


Ella no cake!
Originally uploaded by Germburner
Here is a picture of Ella in the kitchen after she and Cap watched amy working on the birthday cakes.

08 August 2010

Willie's Icehouse

Today after church we went to eat at a joint called "Willie's Icehouse". It looked like a place that had character, and we had never eaten there. While they do make a decent Bacon Cheese Burger ($7.95) and a great grill cheese sandwich according to cap, they do have some quirks. I guess one could say that it had character, as that is a word with a broad definition. So here it is, they have a counter that you order at, no problem. The signs getting you to the counter are Less Than adequate(LTA). So if I did a taproot investigation, I would say that the human engineering was LTA. When you get to the counter your order and some kid making minimum wage writes your order down, then hands you the ticket. By ticket, I mean the slip of paper that the guy in the kitchen gets. The kid then tells me to take it to the table and the waiter will take care of it. Keep in mind that I did not even pay. When the waiter shows up, he re-reads the order (I guess to make sure the first kid did not make a mistake, which they had) then takes the ticket to the kitchen. Willie's is a new looking place that by design is striving for that old look. Much like stone washed jeans when they were in their prime. If you want character, and good food, my recommendation is Red's, AKA Sandy's, AKA Shannon's. It is a place in Borger that does not have to work hard to look old, because it has been there since my uncle was in high school (it was Red's at that time). You can go into the smoke filled restaurant, order a tea and bacon cheese burger and get out with a $6.00 bill (including tip). In the event you are feeling saucy, you can play a Clarance Carter Song hit on the Juke box.

Does Willie's have character, well they have characters in their name if that counts!

06 August 2010

MKT - "The Katy"

Now that I reside in a town named Katy, it is time to explore how it got this name. It was named not for a person, like Clovis (named after King Clovis) rather, this town was given the actual Railroad's nickname. The Missouri-Kansas-Texas line was nicknamed "K-T Railroad." It has a bit of a colorful history, including a stunt crash at a location in Texas that later became "Crush" Texas. There is a great blues song titled "She Caught the Katy" and it took me a few years to finally spend the time to research what the song was about. I was thinking, okay was the KT some sort of disease, because the singer's theme is that his partner catches the KT and leaves him. Once you fill in that the KT is a railroad, and that is why she leaves him a mule to ride, the song makes more sense. The song is part of the SNL spin off movie "The Blues Brothers" which is (I am kind of ashamed to say it) a great movie with lots of wonderful quotes. Certainly not a show to watch with the kids, but it is priceless when they have a high speed chase through the Toys R Us and mall.

05 August 2010

Elizabeth Who

Today is Ella's Birthday, she has turned 3, and it only took 3 years. She was excited to see me tonight, we met at the Chick-Fillet because they have an indoor playground. In addition I really like their food.

Maize is hungry, she is sitting on the couch winning at me so that I will go feed her. It is certainly on the list for this evening, along with crawling into bed. I can't seem to get my pillows configured correctly, so I have been tossing about at night. I am ready for tomorrow evening, because it will be the start of two blissful without work.

The tropical storm colin, which ceased being a tropical storm a few days ago, so my question is: should this be call Colin II, or just Junior.

04 August 2010

2920 Days

Today is Amy's cousins' wedding anniversary. They were married 8 years ago today. It is currently the only anniversary of amy's 10 cousins' anniversary that I know. In all likely hood it will be the only one, I will be able to tell you off the top of my head. In the event you are wondering why I can remember this, I will tell you. It is very simple, they were married the day after we were.

So eight years, 2920 days, 2 kids, 1 dog, 2 house, 3 kitchens later we celebrated our anniversary yesterday. It was fun, went out to eat without the kids (they were under direction of a babysitter) then we hit the Target. While dinner was romantic, the trip to Target was functional, I guess that is what happens after 2920 days.

Love, the Beatles sing about, Shakespeare writes about it, poets rhyme passages of words about it, and Hollywood (we Hollywood shows it, misrepresents it, makes fun or it) but we, we get to live it.