Today, I felt like I was in the middle of a 3 ring circus. It is now ~1000 PM, and I am finally winding down. A fact that would not be bad, except I walked out the front door for work @530 AM. Don't get me wrong, the day went by fast, and it was good, just long.
So now it is me and mazie, patio, Dr. Pepper (my best syb for a "Tasty Beverage"), chips, hot sauce, and my iPod.I suppose that I have reached the age of reflection. For instance, I remember the days when phones had cords. Microsoft was virtually unknown, and the Apple IIC was the bomb.
Today, I am sitting on my porch with my cell phone, that I can use for E-mail, the internet, text messaging, alarm clock, and actually make a phone call with. On the table is a iPod, which has 5 movies, probably 20 Audiobooks, and ~1,500 songs on it. Do you know how much space that would take up with CDs, or Cassette tapes, or even the "Vinyl" record. I cannot remember the last time I placed a call on the home phone.
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