29 March 2009


Originally uploaded by Germburner
Picture of the flight status board at the Amarillo Internation Airport. I still find it interesting that it is called an Internation Airport. It is as if, Devner, Las Vegas, or even Houston is a foregin country.

27 March 2009

The Big Trip

With. Passports ready, and bathing suits packed the entire Patman clan headed to two airports this morning. The rendezvous point: Nasasu (the Bahamas). Mission: Patman Family Fun Weekend! Well one blizzard and a blowout an airplane wheel, caused mayhem. A late winter/early spring blizzard shutdown the Amarillo Airport. Meanwhile, the plan with the Nebraska folks had a blow out while taking off. They could not get rescheduled, so the mission was aborted. We had a good time at Natty's, and are getting ready to go to sleep at the ole Holiday Inn Express.

19 March 2009


I have a 1966 Ford Mustang sitting in the driveway. It is in decent shape, needs some body work, new paint, and new weather stripping. I just can't decide how or really where to start the project. Current the instrument panel illumination lights are out, the front speaker on the radio, and something is out of balance. That is not to mention needing new seats, and a head liner. Perhaps, I should just go buy the replacement bulbs at the "wmart" after story time.

13 March 2009

Bartender Song

It snowed a little today, and I have to say, that I miss the 70 degree March days now that it has turned cold again. I was pretty happy it was Friday, had an all day meeting at work, which was okay. We had a little working session, and put some music on, and I heard a song by Rehab, Bartender Song (aka Sitting at the Bar), and that pretty much describes how I was feeling towards the end of the day. It was a long week, I actually got home before 6:00 PM tonight, and was pretty pumped about that fact. The bed is sounding pretty good, and the Psychedelic Furs, Love My Way, is just not doing it for me.

12 March 2009


Cap and Crash are both going to play soccer this year, and they are on the same team. We had the first meeting tonight and it went pretty good. I am not the coach, I don't know that I would be very good or really have the time.

It was a cool almost cold day outside, but fortunately there was no wind, which is unusual.

11 March 2009


A few weeks ago at church we sang a song with the word, "panoply" in it. I had to get out the dictionary to look up the definition. The word was in one of the hymns that was sung by everyone. I just find it interesting, the songs that are selected in the year 2009. That would be 9 years after "2000 - Space Odyssey.