30 May 2006

Thomas Jefferson

It was another day that has come and gone so quickly. I would think those days when you wake up before the roosters, swim and then go to work would pass incredibly slowly. However, they do not. It rained today, at least an inch, probably more. I was soaked, when I went to get in the car after work. That is the price that one pays.

When I went on the evening stroll with the dog, I listened to NPR’s story of the day. It is about bar-b-que, and is very interesting. The link below will take you to the story, I think that it is better to listen to the story, which can be done. If you click the box that says “Listen” in the upper left-hand corner of the screen the writer will read his essay.

One other NPR type note,, when I was driving back from the fishing trip I listened to part of the “Thomas Jefferson Hour; Your Weekly Conversation with the Third President.” Mr. Jefferson said that he would spend long hours writing letters to ensure that his thoughts were deliberately and clearly written. As opposed to random thoughts that are only just written down. I think that Mr. Jefferson would not embrace the randomness of most Blogs that are written today. In that sprit, below is a passage that I wrote while on the fishing trip, also, there is a scanned picture of this so that you can see that I really did you pen and paper to write this.

Horseshoes is similar to Curling. There are a few differences, in horseshoes you have two person teams. While in Curling, the teams are made up of 4 people, one of which is that captain. When Curling you Curl a stone down an ice track hoping to either get into the “House” or knock your opponent out of the house. Meanwhile, in horse shoes your ate pitching the horseshoe at a post to see who can get closer. The main difference that I noticed, is that Curling is played on an Ice Ring, while horseshoes is generally played in some hot semi aired region that is hot.

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