Never have some many people with so little to say said so much to so few
Here is the hyperlink to the website. ( It is actually a "Demotivator" most of which I find to be very funny. This one, rubbed me the wrong way. I was not offended, or insulted. In this world of sports, rock starts, country music awards, and celebrity tracking, I find a great deal of activities that are more useless than blogging. In the end, I admitted that I blog occasionally to one of my co-workers.
I find writing to be a release of sorts, let me clarify, writing at home is a releases of sorts, well actually writing at home when it is not work related is a release for me. I could lament about the lack of time I have to do this, however, most of the time it does not take long. I must admit that I am sitting on the back porch typing on the laptop, listening to the noises of nature, and the city.