Church, I went this morning, the sermon was good. Attendance was a little spares, someone asked me if it was "National Skip church Sunday, because it sure looks like it." They do not know what they are missing out on. I also had the privilege of running the projection system during Praise and Worship, this went ok, (note to self: It is hard to follow along with the singing while visiting.)
For the real question of the day, in the picture below, is the Sugar Waffer Cookie Yellow or Orange?

If you could please comment on which color you think it is we would be grateful.
After we returned from Bell practice, Cap played in the dirt and then in the water, but we did not let him make any mud. Last night I ordered an iPOD, today at lunch I played with my moms, I sure do like them. I think I should have played with it before I order it, so I really am glad that I like it. It is the little Nano one. Tonight I went to the store, McDonald's, and took Mazie for a walk.